Month: April 2020


    At last my finished copies have arrived from Amazon, ready for a Goodreads Giveaway. As they are print on demand and obviously not an ‘essential’ item you need to be patient if you are ordering a paperback rather than ebook. Hopefully those that already have will find it’s worth the wait! Enjoy.

  • A little something to whet your appetite…

    Boy meets Girl, Boy saves Girl, Boy and Girl live happily ever after.   That’s what was meant to happen but what if this Girl never wanted to be saved in the first place? Clémence storms into Guy’s life, unconventional and untameable, the small girl with the big attitude.  She’s living on the edge and Guy is…

  • We’ve got a live one here!

    At last it’s publishing day and I’m thrilled to announce A PLEA FOR CLEMENCY is now available on Amazon in both paperback (£7.99) and on kindle (£2.99). I really hope you enjoy it and it proves to be, if nothing else, a nice distraction in these difficult times. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!…