Don’t Call Me Self-Published, I’m An Indie Author!

June 21st? Has it really been that long since I last posted? Such a slacker….

So, what can I tell you? First of all, paperbacks are approved and now available for sale through

Hopefully they will be supplying Amazon by the end of August but apparently it takes time to get into the distribution channels.  In the meantime there is ONE copy for sale on and it’s a bargain at US$139.45 (+$3.99 shipping). Don’t all rush at once…..

But seriously, why would anyone bother to do this? Is there something I’m missing here?

Which also leads me onto another puzzle I just don’t quite get, namely how just one extra sale can see your title leap thousands of places in the Amazon ranks. Quite literally thousands…. you don’t stay up for long but all the same I can only assume there are a whole heap of indie authors like myself whose sales are sporadic to say the least. If anyone would care to explain I’m all ears..

Other than that, I had a lovely surprise when ’25RF’ got a Staff Pick: ‘Best of Indie’ at ebookfriendly – that really was a thrill. Here’s the link . As for further promo, looks like we’re going to have to wait until the end of the summer holidays before the reviews start coming in. And as for the mailout….

well let’s just say some screenplays got in the way.

That’s all for now on the ’25RF’ front – I’m deep into the next book which I hope to have out in the Autumn so apologies if this blog gets a little dusty. I’m currently on my way to the Indian Ocean and a whole heap of trouble you see…(in my head at least). But for now it’s time I got back to reading John Locke’s “How I Sold One Million E-books In 3 Months” – there must an answer in there somewhere..


Goodreads Book Giveaway

25 Random Facts by E.J. Mack

25 Random Facts

by E.J. Mack

Giveaway ends July 24, 2011.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

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Don’t forget ’25 Random Facts’ is available as an e-book on Amazon, Smashwords and Lulu. A sample can be read on the My Writing page here , and I’d love for you to join me on my facebook page, , or twitter