Hello! I’m still here – just got a little waylaid with kids, holidays, blah blah blah…oh and of course a little bit of writing 😉 Hope you all had a wonderful break and, depending on which side of the equator you sit, are looking forward to the new season and all the nonsense it brings. It struck me the other day that us northern hemispherians (you won’t find that in the Collins English Dictionary) have rather cleverly found ample celebrations to see us through the dark, damp winter. By my reckoning there’s something every month up until May for us to spend money we don’t have on….Halloween, Fireworks, Christmas, Valentines, Easter… So chin up, it’ll be Spring soon – yay! (and we’ll all be another year older – yeuch)
Personally, apart from all the Hallmark celebrations, I’m looking forward to a new slew of writer’s festies and seminars as these seem to come into their own at this time of year. In particular it’s the London Screenwriter’s Festival in Regent’s Park at the end of October – so expect to find me laden with business cards and witty one-liners, trudging from workshops to seminars to the heart-stoppingly, nerve-wracking ‘speed-pitching’ sessions. With this in mind, promo work on ’25RF’, as it’s affectionately known, has taken a back seat for now as I resurrect a couple of screenplays I was working on at the beginning of this year. One of them is pretty much completed and that’s the one I’ll be pitching, whilst the other will be given an airing wherever I think I might have a receptive audience. It’s a multi-protagonist storyline so is going need a few more drafts before I get it right but I’m not one for giving up and it WILL see the light of day – one day.
On the book writing front, when I last saw you I was in the midst of a rewrite of an old story of mine however things have changed over the summer and I’m onto something brand spanking new and loving it. Inspired by a wonderful holiday in Umbria you can expect mucho italino as it’s something of an italian family saga running from 1940’s to modern day but The Godfather it most certainly isn’t – instead you can expect more of the tortured souls, screwy relationships and disasters of the kind that ’25RF’ was bred on. My intention with this new book is to once again self-publish and thereby give Random Facts a boost at the same time – I have read a lot of advice about getting more than one book out there as one will feed the other, so let’s see. That is if I don’t cave and try to get it traditionally published in the end. Time will tell.
So you’ll excuse me if I love you and leave you now but these books don’t write themselves – unless you’re very, very, lucky..
Ciao for now x
Don’t forget ’25 Random Facts’ is available as an e-book on Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0053IW40I and Smashwords http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/64099 .
Paperback is available at Lulu.com http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/25-random-facts/16076061
Please also come and join me on my facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/ejmack.fb , or twitter http://www.twitter.com/@EJ_Mack